Rainbow Bridge Service


We all know that having the love of a dog in our hearts means that one day, we will have to say goodbye to them.


I offer caring transportation of your beloved pet to Nairn Pet Crematorium where your best friend will be individually cremated and their ashes returned to you very soon after.  We have used Nairn Pet Crematorium 3 times now, and we would never consider taking our dogs anywhere else when that time has come.  We can assure you that your dog will be treated as one of our own for that final journey, and will be shown the compassion and care they so deserve.


Should you be in the heartbreaking situation of needing this service, please contact me directly either by calling 07746 000 466 or email hello@heathershighlandhounds.com 


James and I have sadly had to send three dogs to Rainbow Bridge, each time equally as hard, and as heartbreaking.  Someone once shared with me this beautiful poem, and it is always in my thoughts, as are our babies.  It continues to give me such comfort.


If it should be

If it should be I grow frail and weak
and pain prevents my peaceful sleep.


Then you must do what must be done
when this last battle can’t be won.

You will be sad, I understand.
Selfishness might stay your hand

But on this day, more than the rest,
Your love and friendship take the test.

We’ve had so many happy years
That what’s to come can hold no fears,

You’d not want me to suffer, so,
When the time comes to let me go

Take me where my needs they’ll tend.
Only – stay with me until the end,

Hold me firm and speak to me
until my eyes no longer see.

I know, in time, you too will see
It is a kindness that you do for me,

Although my tail, its last has waved,
From pain and suffering I’ve been saved.

Do not grieve it should be you
who must decide this thing to do.

We’ve been so close we two these years
Don’t let your heart hold any tears.
